11 December 2009

Just an update :)

I've been checking a lot of tumblr.com posts lately, liked a lot, but this is one photo (the second photo below) my friend shared with me that really stuck to me (not a tumblr post). to tell the truth, i can make an acct, but i'm quite contented plurking my life away. it's kinda a refuge, my own little world, where i can share everything with my real friends, unlike in tumblr where anyone can go anywhere and comment on anything. i'm not in for the number of people, who cares about them? not me, i just want to share my life with those who matter ^^,

the one i was talking about:

tsk tsk. yeah, i guess they should think about it. i am right HERE if anyone would bother noticing. maybe, just maybe, i could be that girl for that guy. whoever he is~~